Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to Khushi

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KHUSHI!! Wish you many many many many many happy birthdays. We allllllll love you a lot. Our little girl is turning one today. Naanakadi dhingali keeps reminding us that she is growing at super rate. Naani Khushi can already stand on her own, crawl along the entire house chasing vaccum cleaner robot or her brothers, walk with a walker in entire house, and even say ba ba, pa pa, mum mum. Khushu has also done chaandalo, put pin in her hair curtsey her mami, and as of last night even has her ears pierced thanks to her dada and mummy. She has managed to look extremely cute in her earrings and pins. Khushi loves the music class songs is now showing strong preferences by saying yes or no when she wants to do something.

Khushi has been sitting in Ansh' high chair for a while now. She loves to call everyone from the high chair and give them food that she is eating. When Khushi wants to go to someone she puts both of her hands up in pick up gesture and yells aaaaaaaaa, until she gets picked up. She loves to get hugs from her brothers and is very very ticklish too :).

Over Christmas Khushi visited mama,mami,aditbhai, and Riyaben in Atlanta. She had a grand time there playing with everyone and being called smallest of them all, nana loko :). She loved all the attention from everyone in particular sitting and playing with Riyaben and Aditbhai. She also loved having mami dress her up in various dresses and hair pins. She visited christmas lights festival, jumper place, and had a grand time. She loved eating pizza, cake and pretty much everything in between.

Khushi also loves to visit Children's Discovery Museum, Chuckee Cheese, Kids Castle, and a play place called The Jungle. She just loves to crawl around in the house and find stuff. She started eating everything on the floor, but has soon realized that it is not good. Instead she has started eating spicy food from mummy and pappa's plates. She loves trying out all sorts of food. She also loves going to take shower with Ansh in the morning. While she has loved water from beginning, having her brother start out her day has become major fun activity for her. She likes to smile a lot and show her two bunny teeth.

Here are some pictures of Khushi (yes its been very long time and we still have plenty that we have not uploaded) having a blast with everyone.

Pictures from cell phone
Nov Dec 2010 pictures
Pictures from Atlanta trip over Christmas
More pictures from Jan and Feb

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