Khushi is 9 years old. Very smart girl with lot of creativity. Khushi likes soccer a lot. She is very good with playing soccer. Khushi is very creative as well. She writes lot of stories, poems. She draws many pictures. She likes to read a lot. In summer Khushi read Artemis Fowl series atleast 20 times :). Khushi plays with ball quite a bit in the house and on the street.
She is very good at her studies. Her work is generally very neat and clean. Her essays and stories are fun to read. She keeps her school bag, her pencil case always clean with necessary items. Khushi is quite and smart girl. Khushi likes to play with Ansh. She is one year ahead in match at her school. Always stays with top grades in the school.
Khushi made so many canvas and acrylic paintings with creative ideas.
She gels easily with friends.
Love you Nu...Nu... Nu... (Khushu's these days nick name :))
She is very good at her studies. Her work is generally very neat and clean. Her essays and stories are fun to read. She keeps her school bag, her pencil case always clean with necessary items. Khushi is quite and smart girl. Khushi likes to play with Ansh. She is one year ahead in match at her school. Always stays with top grades in the school.
Khushi made so many canvas and acrylic paintings with creative ideas.
She gels easily with friends.
Love you Nu...Nu... Nu... (Khushu's these days nick name :))