Hi! Everybody,
How are you all? I am back with Khushi's update. Hmmm... lot of changes.... Mainly Khushibeni is Potty Trained now ... Hurrrrreeeeeeey!!!!!! It has been 3 weeks she said bye bye to Diapers. And other exciting news is... Khushi started going to school. February, 13th 2012 was her first day at school. She goes to My Dream Academy, where Ansh goes. She is getting settled at school. Now, she can talk like a big girl. She speaks everything. Her hair is also big now. She has lot of teeth now ( I think its 13 or 14 by now). She has some favorite toys, one of them is her baby doll, she keeps her baby doll near to her all the time, even at night. These days she is very close to Ba as Mummy started going to work. She is very close to Anshbhai as well. All the time Ansh and Khushi want each other. Khushu, loves to have gummy bar(Vitamin) -she says "Khushiben ne gummy bar khawi chhe, ek aapso" and she shows her pointer finger. She likes to read books and to tell stories in few sentences. She likes to make friends. She is very social, whenever she goes to Library, she picks up some toys and gives to other kids. She thinks they will be my friends that way, if I share with them. :).
She sings whole lakadi ki Kathi song and many more songs.
She is cute, little, sweet girl as always.
See you again with her updates
bye for now
Poem FLOOR to FLOOR written by Ansh
7 years ago